2014 is another good year for me. Not that good but i'm doing ok. I've got to see Safiyya growing up in front of my eyes everyday. As i got pregnant i got a chance to work from home most of the time. Heee. So let's go through the summary of my 2014;
- This year only got a chance to bring Safiyya for a holiday to Terengganu 3x, took a ferry ride in Penang, took a flight to Langkawi, beraya in Singapore and quick holiday in Grand Lexis PD and Pullman Putrajaya
- Doing just fine in my career. Got 2x recognition from the boss before dia naik pangkat n assigned me to different boss. Hope i can work well with my new boss too
- Pregnant again! Not in the plan but rezeki Allah nk bagi.
- 3x warded. 2x due to the hyperemesis and 1x coz i can't walk! Ligamen seliuh. What a memory to be remembered bila kena naik ambulan!
- Successfully wean off Safiyya completely after she turns 2 with all the challenges. It's not easy with the screams and tears but we nailed it. At least no jadam,coffee,lemon or lipstick mark involves.
- Lost my cash at almost 3k including duit raya Safiyya. Takde rezeki.
- Started to stay over the weekend at our new home in Melaka. Still not 100% complete but it's getting there slowly as i'm heavily pregnant and husband is too busy with his work and of course lack of budget.
- For the first time hubs organized my birthday celebration at our new home with my family. The bbq session and the cake. Impressed! So not him. Hehe..
- As in this second pregnancy, i'm not really interested to shop especially baju. Thanks to husband for the dkny purse and handbag which i thought it's the only bag i have this year. But then i bought myself Longchamp Neo as i really need a practical bag yet nice to wear every occasion. Perfect end of 2014. Haha! Hubs quite generous this year. Maybe because i'm pregnant. Hehe. He bought me a pandora bracelet when he's in Dubai.
- Received a good rating in my career. Alhamdulillah. I can do more actually but as i got pregnant i'm stick within the scope. But anyhow i'm so thankful to Allah. I got both increment and performance bonus. Not that much but it's better than nothing. Syukur.
So many ups and downs this year. Fighting with sisters, emotional breakdown, unconditional love with my babies. But thank you to Allah for giving me a strength to deal with issues and having supportive, understanding and a patient husband. Alhamdulillah. Praying 2015 is another wonderful year to me and my family. Hopefully i can do more in my career, expand my knowledge, be a good mother of 2 and a good wife to my husband. InsyaAllah. Aamiin..

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