Monday, July 4, 2011

A Little Bit Here & There

Wedding album for my side expected receive after raya which i believe maybe in Oct Month. I know tersangatlah lambat kan but not my photographers fault. Me and hubby need to complete our post-wedding shooting then only they can start with the album. The prob now is we do not have any idea when is the available date for the outdoor shooting. Hubby dah mula busy this July then August puasa. Weekend mmg tak bole as our photoG got shootings job. Maka lagi lambatlah album kawen siap.

Wedding album for Umbai side dah siap. Love it! Thanks to hubby's lil brother for sponsoring. :)
Sangat suka all the pictures especially this one..... :):):)

Muka malu-malu nak nyanyi..hehe
Semalam tgk Transformers 3. I read few updates in FB before kata tak best la,kureng la. Tp sbg peminat layan je. It's not that bad okay. If nak ikut logik mmg the movie itself dah tiada logiknya. So tak perlu la nak kritik lebih2.Jika taknak rasa kecewa tggu je nx year confirm kuar kt astro.heh :)

Dan semalam ada jugak tertengok cerita Karak dari jarak jauh. Adik beli kat Astro First. Tgk beramai-ramai. Scary part "cek,boleh tumpangkan saya cekkk". ppffftttt!teringat-ingat smp skrg!

Oh ye, video nikah dah siap. Love it to the max! InsyaAllah i will try to upload the vid in the next entry.
Tu je update secara rawak buat masa ni. Sekian.

Till then, xoxo!



  1. nak tengok jugak transformer tu... huhuhu...

  2. i macam tak suke kalau album dpt lambat sgt. kite masih blh tunggu. tp kalau menjawab soalan parents tu yg x best. huhu. nak wat cane. da mmg macam biasa pulak after 2-3 month br dapat album.

  3. Miss Sunshine: sila tgk ye.ok je la cerita tu.jgn bg high expectations je :)

    Amy: itu la.kite mmg ok tp parents & family dok tanya. nak buat cmne kan.redha je la.janji softcopy ada.hihi
