Monday, February 28, 2011


The most crucial thing in a wedding preparation is finding a caterer. The caterer that can serve a good n delicious food, give a good services n extra if they offer the package at a reasonable/cheap price.

I actually booked caterer for my reception in Rembau end of last year. I found them while bloghopping and directly made an appointment for food testing. The foods are quite good with the price offered. So we put a 40% deposit.

But last night, the caterer called me and asked where is actually rembau?how far is the place from kl?when i said it's about 1 hour n half which i actually already inform her when i booked her,she said "eh,jauh tu umi!". She afraid that they can't deliver the foods on time. Can u imagine how i feel that time?

To be so naive, the reason i booked caterer outside Seremban was because i tot they will do the cooking at my place. You know just like org kampung always did. Hmmmm..

What should i do now? Proceed with current caterer that not confident whether they can deliver the foods or find another caterer in seremban in a little short time?


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. slm dear.jemput singgah blogshop naura.ada CLEARANCE STOCK untuk pelbagai jenis tudung.Dapatkn dgn harga yg murah2.jgn lupa folo yer.i folo u

  2. cari laen je la ai...jgn amek risiko bende2 camni...ade mase lg ni..rilek2....huhu...

  3. Mmg amek lain pon.risky if i truskan.skng ni i lak yg kne confidentkan dia.siapa customer skrg pon tatau.confuse

  4. ape lagi....amik je mak teh catering...mukakakka....jimbit

  5. totly agree ngan yana..pluss..tu de hidden tactic tu..mau naek rege kat cost pengangkutan lak..=)

  6. die mmg ade ckp.sbb sblm ni die kasi murah sbb ingtkan dkt je.hint2 nak naikkan harga.mmg xde la kan aku nk proceed. just now mntk blk duit. aku g cari lain. end of story.
