This year is quite tough to me in term of raising my child. Other things are still under my control but handling my baby when she is not in her mood really affect my mood. Haha i know i am such an emotional person. But that was only the down side. On the good side i get to see my baby growing up in front of my eyes almost every time. Safiyya is such a cutie pie,beautiful,clingy and clever baby. I love her so much!
So let see the summary throughout 2013.
-Starting the year with not so good in my career. I need to work in shift pattern. Leaving Safiyya without me to sleep at night. The worst feeling ever. This went through about almost 2 months.
-Starting to cook a simple meal. Yes i'm started to cooked!
-Went to Kuala Terengganu for a vacation with Safiyya. Her first trip to KT. She was 4 months old that time
-Got a gift from mr husband. An iPhone 5!
-Changed work field. No longer doing technical stuff. Officially doing admin job and i love it as i only have to work on normal office hours, flexible and opportunity to step ahead in the future.
-Opened tabung haji account for me and Safiyya. Something that i've procrastinate to do for few years!
-Got myself a Kate Spade Gold Coast Georgina handbag. The only bag i bought this year.
-Starting to bake and make a desserts. Not that variety but i keep doing it. Like moist chocolate cake. My family loves it. I even sell it! :)
-Went for a short trip to Sg Petani Kedah. Safiyya was 9 months old that time
-Safiyya admitted at KPJ specialist Seremban due to acute bronchilitis for 4 days.
-Received our key house! Yay! We are now have our own crib. Currently surveying stuffs for the house.
-First raya with my baby girl Safiyya. Custom made her peplum at OldBlossomBox.
-Planning and celebrating first birthday party for Safiyya. I totally enjoy doing it.
-Safiyya start to walk at 13 months. Her biggest achievement!
-Watched Thor 2 together with Safiyya. Her first movie outing!
-Signed up for an investment!
-Got a quite good rating in my career compared to last year. Syukur.
But above all the mentioned events, the most biggest achievement for the whole year is got a chance to exclusively breasfeeding Safiyya until now. Something that not everyone can do it. I am so thankful to Allah. I'm so blessed. Alhamdulillah. It's a bumpy journey but i've nail it so far. Hope i can continue bf until she turned 2.
As for my 2014 resolution, i don't put high expectation on myself but i will try my best to achieve it;
-Be a good cook. Cook frequently to my husband and Safiyya.
-Improving myself to be a better muslim. Solat on time, read Al-Quran.
-Be more efficient in my career and extra rajin!
-Exercise exercise exercise to shed this fat away and of course for a better health.
No handbag or shoe aim next year. As long as ada rezeki, extra money i will buy it.

Hoping 2014 will be another great year to us. Amin. Till then, happy new year 2014 readers!
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