The reason we procrastinate to send Safiyya for her optional jab is because:
1) Keep surveying which clinic is the best and comparing the price. Different clinic got different price but almost the same la. Around RM210-RM240.
2) One of the nurse at child clinic Sayangku Seremban advised to take the jab once all the jab at klinik kesihatan completed at 6 months.
3) Read and heard somewhere if our baby aren't send to babysitter or nursery then they are not required to take pneumococcal vaccine.
4) Lastly, of course money issue as we need to use our money first. Later only can claim.
Alhamdulillah finally we managed to bring Safiyya for her vaccination last Saturday. Despite of having flu but after checked paed confirmed all is fine and can proceed with the jab. The vaccine type is Synflorix.
Safiyya is one strong baby girl. She only cried when she got shot and then after i hugged her she's ok. Hehe. Side effect of this jab is might getting fever so paed provide us with pink syrup (ubat demam) just in case.
So next jab is when Safiyya turn to 10 months and 13 months. Babies under 1 year old need to take 3 jabs and above 1 year is 2 jabs. That's what Safiyya's paed told me. The total cost is RM240.
We always bring Safiyya here and there, shopping mall lah,kenduri kawen lah so i think Safiyya should get a pneumococcal vaccine eventho we're not send her to babysitter or nursery. Better late than no protection at all.
Till then,xoxo!
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alhamdulillah..selesai satu perkara ;)