Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Preparation

144 days left to my big day.  So far, most of the major things for the event have been booked. Now keep surveying for the simple,nice and affordable dais,reception dress, and doorgifts. Actually i already booked this 1 boutique in Shah Alam for the pelamin and baju sanding. They gave me a very good offer which is under my budget but........................................

the transportation cost to Rembau is RM1000!. :((

And now i have to find other boutiques around Nilai and Seremban. I did survey a few boutiques in Melaka but most of them using wrought iron for pelamin. I tak sukaaa. So i keep continuing the mission to find the right pelamin. For wedding dress, waiting for Wan's free time to go to the boutique and hoping he likes it!amin.hehehe.

I think that's it for now. Will write more on my wedding preparation.
Till then,tata!

p/s: please excuse my english and grammar. will try to improve in the future :)
