Monday, February 24, 2014


Aktiviti survey masih diteruskan. Jumpa lg kedai yg menepati citarasa wpon harga dia boleh pengsan. Haha. Ada rezeki lebih dapat la beli. Kalau x berangan je la.

Tp org yg paling excited bila tgk perabot ni adalah budak kecik ni.

Paling teruja bila dia tgk katil princess ngn hello kitty. Amboiiiii! Mahal ok. Katanya cat xde racun. Haha.

Mlm ktrg dinner kat windmill. Meriah gila makan. Air sorg 2. Hausss.

Blk rumah pengsan lps mkn ubat selsema.
Till then,xoxo!

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Aktiviti hari sabtu

Masih lg dlm mode survey barang rumah. Ongkosnya belom cukup makanya survey je lah dulu.hehe. Aktiviti harini selain tunggu husband hantar bambee pergi servis siap tukar plate number, pegi rumah cousin hubs yg bertunang ktrg pegi tgk tiles,barangan elektrik like fridge n washing machine, lampu dan perabot.

Well, ktrg dh jumpa kedai yg quality best tp harga pn of course lah best. Hope ada la rezeki kami nk dpt barangan idaman. InsyaAllah.

Aku sgt suka dining table di atas tp mahal oiii. Kumpul la duit smp hujung

Hasil yg dituai harini semestinya barangan Safiyya. Beli buggy stroller sbb nx week senang nk bwk travel naik flight. Pegi Langkawi je pon. Lightweight and foldable mcm umbrella gitu. Brand My dear je. Harga dlm RM89.90. Yg Graco actually lg senang nk fold tp besar dan sbb mahal aku xnak dia kena campak. Aku xtau la nnt simpan mcm mana atas flightkn. Mcm la mahal beribu. Haha watever!

Testing. Sejam gak dia tido dlm tu. Kaki pnjg smp terkeluar. Yg graco pn cmni gak. Hehe. I like design ni color pink. Last one! Rezeki.

Lps tu Safiyya bgn, ktrg pegi supper kat Old town. Kasi dia layan fries sambil tgk nursery rhymes.

Sbb Safiyya dh nap sejam td, ni baru tido balik. Dh few nights cmni. Smp kena marah. Nasiblah. Now aku pulak mcm nk kena flu. Dh telan ubat nk tido.

Till then, good night!

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dating kejap

Selasa lps, we went for a movie date kat Jusco Seremban 2 lps abes keje. Dh lama kami x dating berdua. A day before tanya ibu boleh x nk balik lambat,nk dating ngn Wan. Ibu kata ok pergilah. Lgpn aku dh yakin nk tggl Safiyya lama sket since dia dh minum fm.

So the movie was ok la to me. Aku bkn peminat lego. Starting cter tu aku dh asek tgk phone. Bosan. Laki aku je gelak2. Dia layan la. Tp cter dia ok je. Kelakar la jugak.

Lps tu ktrg g masuk dlm Jusco jap nk beli mainan Safiyya.
Kononnya nk dinner lps movie, tp aku asek fikir Safiyya. So aku ckp kt Wan, kte blk rumah dlu la amek baby lps tu baru dinner. Padehal masing2 dh kebulur tahap msk angin tp rindu anak.hehe.
Smp rumah je dlm kol 915pm cmtu Safiyya dh standby pakai kasut siap. Haha. Excited gila nmpk kami balik.

Wpon aku ni selalu gado ngn Safiyya tp kalo buat apa2 tanpa dia rasa x best. Kalo buat kejap xpe la. Kalo tinggal lama tu mmg x keruan. Lg 1 rasa x best lah biar ibu jaga lama2. Apapon we had a great time wpon kejap je.
Till then, xoxo!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

17 months

Dah lama lak rasanya x update milestone Safiyya. Setahun 5 bulan dah dia.

- 3 hari lps Safiyya dh start on formula milk. Campur susu. Masa aku kerja dia minum susu ilham. Bkn aku xnk bg dia susu badan tp dia xnak ebm aku. Maybe dia dh x suka rasa ebm tu. Last week mmg dia minum air ribena ngn oren sunquick je. Ibu bg dia stock susu aku dia buat main. Siap gesek teat tu kt lantai smp pecah ok. So ktrg suspect dia dh x suka la teat pigeon tu. Skali ibu ckp dia bg Safiyya minum susu dutch lady Amsyar 3oz abes. So aku pn decide nk try bg fm. Alhamdulillah dia nk minum. 1st day minum 8oz, smlm 12 oz sbb aku blk lambat. That's mean ok la bkn salah teat. Since dia minum fm tu, dia mcm kenyang sbb tido pon lama.
Nasib baik jugak dia nk lg direct feed. Sbb susu aku ada lg. Aku blk je terus die melekap. hehe. InsyaAllah niat nk bf tu mmg smp dia 2 thn. Selagi ada susu selagi tu bg.

- Pandai mkn sendiri guna sudu. Wpon ada yg terabur tp kuranglah banding dulu mmg lg byk jatuh dr masuk mulut. Dia suka mkn nasik ngn sup. Kalo ada benda asing tu mcm ayam,tauhu,carrot,fishcake ke dia rasa sket lps tu asing tepi. Byk sgt akal. Lps tu suka mkn spaghetti. Tak kira la bolognese or carbonara. Oh aku bg je dia mkn sendiri yg panjang2 tu. Mmg comot abes kalo dia mkn. 

- Suka minum air vitagen, ribena, jus kurma ngn oren sunquick tp anak aku ni jenis x buruk. haha. Makan sket minum pn sket. Kalo Amsyar bg apa pn abes. Safiyya mkn biskut pn sket je lps tu Amsyar amek. Roti pon cmtu.

- Sehari mkn at least 2x. Lunch and dinner. Breakfast x suka mkn. Kalo bg roti pn dia gigit sket je. Tp skrg ni dia mmg xnk mkn sgt. Mlm je mkn beriya.
- Kadang2 aku bg je dia mkn cadbury choc tu. Bg dia pegang sendiri dlm plastic. Byk gak dia mkn. 

- Skrg dh boleh berlari anak. Tp lom expert lg la. Kalo g jalan mana nk dukung. Dia nk turun berlari la konon lps tu buat sepah.

- Kalo tgk colors book, "black for telephone" trus tgn kt telinga mcm on phone ah. haha.

- Ptg2 bwk jalan luar rumah, tunjuk atas "beh beh". Bird sbnrnya. haha ok la dia tau benda terbang tu bird. Kalo fish dia sebut "ish ishhh". Janji ada bunyi. Kalo tgh borak ngn ibu sebut ayah, dia pn sebut ayah,yah yah yah. haha. Daddy pn kdng2 ada dddddd. Bangga gila hoi laki aku. So far tu je la dia tau. If suruh dia amek shoes die pegi la amek.

- Skrg bgn pagi, dia kejut kami ngn sebut ba-ba,ta-ta. ba-ba tu dia dpt dari lagu baba black sheep.haha.

- Bab ipad ngn iphone ni ssh sket. Pantang nmpk soh bukak. Tp anak aku mmg layan nursery rhymes je. Bukak mickey mouse ke barney ke mmg dia x layan. Ada mood dia layan la Hi-5,pocoyo ngn maya the bee kat disney channel.

- Sejak aku beli mini sofa tu, aku belikan drawing paper bg dia melukis and surprisingly dia layan pulak. Tp ada mood dia la. Ala dia conteng je bkn la lukis apa pon tp at least ada la activity dia. Nk try water color tp aku risau dia cop tempat lain lak nnt mengamok lak ibu kang.

- Dah pandai main sorg gak. Kalo dulu kena hadap dia main skali.

- Suka gila naik motor! Senyum kemain lebar kalo dpt g jalan naik motor.

- Bab tido sama lg. Paling lmbt tido kol 1 pagi tp jarang. Ada skali dua je kot. Siang tido 2x. 2 jam lbh gak. Mlm selalunya kol 11 baru dia tdo. Kalo ngntuk sgt 10 lbh. Dan Safiyya x reti tido sendiri lg. Mmg kena begayut baru tido. Nk train pon payah sbb dia bkn ada cot pon. So mmg dia co-sleeping ngn kami smp skrg. Dh wean-off nnt baru asingkan dia.

-Berat masa 16 months 9.1kg. Ok la mmg naik tp still ringan.haha. Tp bg aku as long as dia sihat biar la dia begitu. Vaccine pneumococcal pn dh complete 3 dose.

Safiyya mmg budak yg sgt manja. Ibu pn ckp cmtu. Tp skrg dh ok sket. Dia suka berkawan. Hehe boleh la start utk adik dia kot.bahahaha.

Ok la tu je, till then,xoxo!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Home progress - The beginning

We received our key house somewhere around August/September last year. But we don't do anything for the house since that because of not enough budget. Hehe.
Then a week before end of December 2013, on my almost 2 weeks leave, we started looking for the contractor of grill,plaster ceiling and kitchen cabinet. These 3 things are the most basic and important for our house. Others like furnitures can wait.

My husband already have a contact for the grill and plaster ceiling contractor which was recommended by his friends. So we just settled for that. But for the kitchen cabinet, we took few days to survey and decide which contractor is the best and suits our budget in Melaka area. I will share to you if the outcome is up to my standard. Gitu.

Before they start with the kitchen cabinet, we need to have the kitchen appliances like hood,hob,oven and sink so it's easy for them later to install. They also need the measurement of the fridge but of course we don't buy the fridge yet. We just choose the perfect fridge and ask the sales assistant for the measurement. Settled.

We bought all those appliances from The Houz Kitchen & Bath at Seksyen 9 Shah Alam. Husband got them from the forum i guess. I recommended this place. The promoter was good. He knows everything about the appliances and he will recommend based on our budget. Actually i only have Elba and Rubine in mind but then he introduced Rinnai and Fagor which are way better than Elba so we settled for that brand. Rinnai is a brand from Japan and they're expert in hood and hob tech. While Fagor is from Europe. We can see the original sticker inside the oven. It comes with 2 years warranty as well.
And we got apron,ceramic pot and oven mitt as a free gift. All of it cost less than 4k including the sink and tap. Ok la kan.

Now we're searching for tiles for the kitchen wall, waiting the piping to be done then only can proceed with the cabinets.
Hoping everything will je be just fine and completed accordingly.
Next entry i'm gonna update about the grill.

Till then, xoxo!

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