Monday, September 30, 2013

Safiyya's 1st birthday party

Alhamdulillah the event went well. Semua berjalan mcm yg aku rancang. Plan dibuat sebulan sblm majlis. Mula2 aku nk hire org for candy buffet. After surveyed all cost around RM650 above without birthday cake and it does not include transportation. Hubs said no need to membazir. Baik bg org mkn mcm2 dgn duit tu. So after a long thoughts i chose to DIY my own candy buffet. Ala buat simple2 je. Theme rainbow pastel tp cake je la. Haha.

Awal pagi aku dh set up meja ni. Ok la kan simple je

Gigih aku youtube cmne nk buat hanging paper fan medallions. Senang je rupanya.
Aku siap cari cake stand, hellium balloons, the best cake, desserts yg sedap dan murah. Merata aku order. Alhamdulillah semua cukup.

Ayah sponsor mee kari, ibu ngn along sponsor dadih n kuih koci, kakteh beli nuggets dan aku buat spaghetti bolognese. Ramai lak puji bolognese aku sedap. 1st time lak tu buat yg versi x pedas. Glad semua licin.

As for desserts ada la lebih sbb byk. Aku order red velvet baby cupcakes from Scrumptious Sugar (IG), macaron from bakery dekat Melaka, S'more fudgy brownies from Rasilan, mini pavlova from kwn kak ipar kat bangi, rainbow cake yg sedap dan popcake from D'Choco Heaven, choclairs, choki choki, marshmallows, and jelly.
Then bff aku bg caramel rainbow cake, cousin bg cracker cheese,kak ipar bg pudding caramel and mak mentua bg jelly cocktail. Byk rezeki. X sangka. Tetamu pn ramai eventho most of my invited friends x dtg sbb ada hal.

Sbb ni birthday party for Safiyya aku pn siap la buat play area. Tp diorg x excited sgt. Diorg lg suka main belon kt luar. Lgpn kids/babies x ramai pn. .

Masa hari kejadian,sofa belakang tu bwk keluar so luas la sket

For the doorgift/partypacks ada 2 jenis. Ada yg dpt canister ada yg dpt party pack. Mentua and cousin sponsor. Rezeki lg. The canister aku order from Shah Alam. Ala2 limited edition gitu. Haha.

Safiyya dpt gifts n angpow gak. Mommy pn dpt. hehe. Thanks sgt semua yg dtg n bg hadiah. Happy dpt bg org mkn. It's our first party and seriously exhausted tp worth it! Thanks to hubs n my family yg byk tolong.

Well actually the party was for two, birthday boy of the day Amsyar and belated for Safiyya. Safiyya cranky gak masa party tu sbb ngntuk tp xleh nk tido sbb panas. Aircond pulak buat hal. Byk dugaan tp xpe la yg penting semua berjalan lancar. Syukur.
So jom layan gambar!

 Till then, xoxo!~

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Just update

Oh dah hari Khamis! Birthday party Safiyya lusa je. So far preparation still under control. The party actually for family and close friends. Poyo lak rasa nk buat besar-besaran. Padehal xde budget.haha.

So last weekend on Saturday we went to the gardens pick up my kate spade handbag, then to Paradigm mall amek birthday gift from Sephora, lunch at the loaf and bought few dressess for Safiyya from Hush Puppies.

Dlm kol 2 lbh ktrg gerak ke Shah Alam pulak pick up doorgift yg aku tempah for Safiyya's birthday party.
Lps tu singgah Seremban 2, tempah helium balloons, dinner at the chicken rice shop then terus balik rumah.

Ahad pg after breakfast, ktrg g Melaka cari barang kt cowboy supermarket. After lunch dkt kfc ktrg blk Umbai. Ptg dlm kol 6 ktrg grk blk singgah dinner kt Maju kitchen before shopping groceries kt Giant.

Yg lawak masa kt Giant bg Safiyya duduk dlm kete yg masuk duit ada lagu tu. Abes RM4 terus ajak blk anak aku mengamok. Haha kelakar giler.

Isnin sampai Rabu aku work from home so dpt la kemas rumah and prepare apa yg patut. Semoga majlis hari Sabtu ni berjalan lancar hendaknya. Amin.....

Till then, xoxo!

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Ferragamo shoes to let go

Im letting go my kasut hantaran. It's Salvatore Ferragamo shoes. I love this shoes but sadly im no longer fit in it after pregnant. T_T
Bought this 'gamo shoes in Singapore during sale, Dec 2010 but i never wear it. Syg punya psl. Now menyesal!

Size: 8 1/2 C
Color: Beige
There's a minor defect at the bottom side of the shoes. Maybe dpt masa wat deco hantaran. Not that obvious though.

I got this shoes at 40% less because last pair.
So i'm gonna let go this gorgeous at RM650.

Please email me at aaisyah13 at gmail dot com. It's negotiable. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday : My happy baby

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Terlebih rajin

Hello peeps! Dh Selasa pun harini. Awaken next to my happy baby this morning makes me feel blessed. Alhamdulillah. I had a great weekend with my little family and my new friends. I actually met her, Yohanna back on nephew's birthday (hubs side) few months ago at surau BSC. Borak2,exchange contact number and we became close.
So last weekend,she came to Melaka for a holiday with her family. Her son are so cute tp brutal. Haha. Safiyya siap kena gigit dgn new bf.

On Saturday after done with Safiyya's check up in KPJ Seremban we headed to Melaka to meet Yohanna. Tp ktrg g window shopping kt Dataran Pahlawan dulu dgn harapan aku nk beli hadiah birthday utk diri sendiri either from Mango or Jelly Bunny tp boring. Mcm2 lak fikir. Maklom la tgh bulan. Haha.
So pegi la Mahkota Parade pulak sbb nk g Mother's room nk bf Safiyya. While in MR, hubs whatsapp-ed kata ada macaron jual kt ground floor at RM1.90 only. Murah gila kot. Dh bf Safiyya, pegi beli some stuffs kat Popular then terus g beli macaron. Then lepak with Yohanna and her family at Starbucks.
Then dh nk dkt Maghrib, Yo ajak pegi Crocs sbb ada sale 50%. Selected item je pn. Tp aku ada suka 1 wedges yg harga boleh tahan mahal. Then hubs tgk ada discount for birthday month. Dpt 30%. Maka dpt la aku 1 kasut. Hubs ckp dia belanja. Dia pn amek 1. haha. Thanks husband!

For dinner, ktrg as tourist guide kononnya bwk la Yo pegi mkn asam pedas claypot kat Kota Laksamana. Famous 1 in Melaka. Glad Yo and her hubby suka. Bg aku biasa je. Tp situ mmg ramai org. Ktrg sudah makan terus blk. Ingt nk g Jonker walk tp mlm tu hujan lebat so terus balik.

Sunday morning aku jd tukang masak smp la kol 3 lbh ok. Along mntk buatkan fried spaghetti for her school family day. Pastu buat fried macaroni for family breakfast then baked a choc cake ordered by kak ipar. Wahh busy ahkak. Haha. Ptg ktrg g Melaka blk bwk Yo dinner kat Pak Putra Tandoori sedapppp yg amat then jalan2 kat Jonker walk. For the 1st time aku ngn Wan pegi situ. Xde apa sgt pn mcm pasar malam je pn. Dh nk kol 11 lbh cmtu Safiyya pn cranky nk tido. Lps lepak minum kt Malaccafe ktrg pn balik.

Monday ktrg semua bgn lambat dlm kol 9 lbh gak tu pn Safiyya kejut. Haha. Pengsan semua. Aku terasa nk buat blueberry cheesecake tp x cukup bahan. Bgtau hubs dia pn ckp jom g kedai beli. Dia lak bersungguh. Blk tu trus buat ayam black pepper laki nk makan. Dh mkn buatkan bubur ayam Safiyya lak buat stock skali. Then baru aku buat cheesecake. Mmg terasa rajinnya aku. haha. I can imagine myself at our new home nnt. huahuahua.

So how was your weekend peeps?

Till then,xoxo!